The knee osteoarthritis, symptoms and treatment

In the knee joint the femoral and tibial bone covered coliseum of joint with guided cartilage. There is the second type of cartilaginous tissue, forming the so-called meniscus lenses, which act as layers or cushions.

the scheme

In this case, can be seen as the full and partial loss of cartilage. This process is often isolated to a specific part of the joint, in such cases, it may be caused by injuries and chronic wear and tear of the joint.

Pathogenesis and symptoms of osteoarthritis

The manifestation of osteoarthritis is related to the fact that articulately the cartilage loses its elasticity, dries out, decreases and gradually destroys it. Cause the destruction of the cartilage can be a variety of reasons: changes in age, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, disorders of the circulation of the blood in the background of vascular diseases, the consequences of the injury.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is manifested by a set of symptoms:

  • the pain, the intensity and nature of which change depending on the stage of the disease;
  • accompanies the movement of crunching in the knee;
  • the stiffness in the beginning of the movement;
  • the limitation of the amount of motion in the joint;
  • the deformation of the knee.

The causes of development and the types of

The causes of osteoarthritis are several: it is the process of ageing and wear and tear of the cartilage, excess weight, injuries, autoimmune diseases, in which the immunity attacks its own joint with guided tissue, causing inflammation and subsequent destruction.

The joints of the knee to great efforts during the whole life, therefore, tend to degenerative processes, unlike other joints.

The main reason for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee in the second degree – the contempt of the person of the first symptoms and the lack of timely treatment. Other causes:

  • age – in 80% of cases of osteoarthritis), are people (mostly women) after the age of 40;
  • personal – often this vulnerable athletes.
  • other pathologies of the joint – endocrine, inflammatory, etc

The osteoarthritis of the knee 2 degree of destruction of the suffers not only the cartilage, but and its components. The cartilage becomes less elastic and resistant, begins to disappear, leaving no bone protection of the surface.

The main causes of osteoarthritis of knee are associated with increased physical loading in middle-aged people, causing circulatory disorders and nutrition of the joint cartilage, which leads to the functional failure of the joints.

the initial phase of

Distinguish two forms of osteoarthritis of the knee: primary and secondary.


Begins its development early enough in childhood or early adulthood.

The different grades of osteoarthritis of knee

Like many others, the disease from osteoarthritis of the knee is divided into several stages.

  1. Easier for the treatment of osteoarthritis of 1 degree. Symptoms: the presence of a small indentation on the inside of the joint of the surface of the edges of the tapered the patient loss of mobility.
  2. If the patient has osteoarthritis of the knee of grade 2, is manifested in the following: considerable loss of mobility of the patient, when walking weapons influenced by the knee emits a distinctive chirp, within which it develops a strong narrowing of the cleft and cyst.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the 3 degree deprives them of the possibility of moving, we observe a significant deformation of the joint, on its surface, it forms a seal.
  4. At the end of the fourth stage, the cartilage in the knee joint collapses completely.

For the treatment of gonarthrose of grade II, you can use honey. For example, for compresses, massage or internal use.

the mechanics of

The signs and symptoms of

Osteoarthritis of the knee of the letter most often develops after the age of 55 in the midst of the changes of age in the cartilage. In the process of the fabric of other organs rarely participate, unlike the arthritis, when, as the development of inflammation of the infection spreads into the tissue of the heart, the nerve fibers of the epidermis.

The main signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • in an early stage of the sensations of pain weak, the intensity of the pain grows in waves;
  • gradually degenerative changes of the violate, the mobility of the affected joint, in the morning, the patient is difficult to bend and straighten the knee;
  • during the execution of the pathology is in the cartilage break sharply limits the opportunities of distance;
  • the lack of synovial fluid, the friction of the heads of the joints, fusion of certain elements causes the pain, not only on the load, but without it.

The signs and symptoms of

Doctors believe ostreatus is a common disease, which is able to go in an epidemic. The first sign of the disease — acute pain in the patella area, a strong pain at the time of walk, in some cases, the person simply cannot move.

That in turn leads to a complete loss of maintenance of the sick, to the physical safety and moral degradation.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis of the second degree:

The condition is of this disease becomes the reduction of the mobility joint guidance, limitation in mobility and the emergence of the feelings of the stiffness of the joints.

It is worth noting that the osteoarthritis of the joints can affect different areas of the body of the patient, however, the most common are species such as osteoarthritis of the knee, the disease of osteoarthritis lumbar and cervical, as well as osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, the complex osteoarthritis of the ankle joint and the arms, and even osteoarthritis of the hip.

the symptoms of the

The diagnosis

The definition of osteoarthritis of the knee begins with the examination of a physical from a doctor, the study of the history of the disease and of the conversation with the patient. Pay attention to the doctor that most commonly becomes the cause of the pain, and the account of cases of the disease in the family, if any.

For the treatment use narcotics analgesics, non-steroidal, slowly current medication of gold, corticosteroids, methotrexate, and other

The pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee has three main objectives:

  • the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary to alleviate the pain and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in tissues;
  • take medicines for the recovery of the cartilage, referred to chondroprotectors: glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • the use of creams and ointments in the therapy of deforming arthrosis.

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the pain syndrome, improvement of the nutrition of the cartilage, the activation of restoration processes, the increase of the mobility joint guidance and the standardization of the circulation of the blood in the knee.

When far you have come and irreversible injury of knee osteoarthritis cure radical method – a prosthesis, that is to say, the implantation of metal of the prosthesis in substitution of the reconstruction of the joint.

It is until now the only way that gives us the chance of a full recovery, however, the implants have a limited lifetime, after which they must be replaced.

Since the price of these operations is very high, this method of treatment, but has not received wide dissemination.

There are many popular recipes of various ointments and compresses of herbs, doctor, of the bile, apply the warm bonnets of natural wool. Basically, the action of these methods is directed to the relief of the pain and the solution of the main symptoms.


How to cure osteoarthritis of the knee? In an early stage joint pathology is responding well to treatment. In addition to the pharmacy, garlands or ointments and pills herbal allow popular methods of treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee area.

Substitute medications fito media is not possible: the rejection of the medication to worsen the patient's condition shoulder there is a further development of a and on the other hand, calcifications of the changes.

Stop the destruction of cartilage tissue, accelerate the regeneration process is possible only for a complex impact.

Processes medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compositions are needed in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee to the tyranny of the pains of the destruction of the cartilage. In the home the drugs are applied in the form of gels and tablets. It is important to strictly observe the daily dosage, frequency of use, duration of the treatment.

In osteoarthritis of the therapeutic interventions are performed in this order:

  • it takes away the pain;
  • if there is inflammatory process, measures are taken for their solution;
  • treatment led to the recovery of cartilage tissue.

The main role in the acute phase of performing an abortion with the treatment with nsaids, it is possible to carry out a number of physiotherapy procedures.

Of medicines, mainly, showing chondroprotectors that can 1-2 phase to slow down the destruction of cartilage.

When the knee is deformed, the joint is completely or almost completely lost mobility, get rid of a constant pain that do not help or medicines, or physical therapy procedures.

In the treatment of osteoarthritis prescribe pills and ointment, which ease pain, and are also opposed to the inflammatory processes, prescribed physical therapy treatments that slow the process of destruction of the joints.

And diet, must be recharged trace elements and nutrients, that will be enough for the processes of creating new tissues and cells, which occur in the body of the patient.

the pain

The diet only picks up a medical nutritionist who will take into account the state of health of the patient. It is very important to know what the limitation and the excessive eating in the food damages the joints.

In the treatment you can use orthotics, crutches, and canes, which will offload the sick of more of physical activity.

It is worth noting that the osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the most common diseases, which is located close to many of the former athletes. This is related to the fact that the youth of these people is subjected to enormous pressure to the injuries, microtraumas to the joints, the rupture of the ligaments, and multiple contusions.

Compress with horseradish, which helps to relieve the pain in the joints

To prepare this compress must be created before you dig or buy the fresh root of horseradish, then grind in a very fine grater. All the resulting content is necessary to lower in the water and let more that to say to a simmer, however, the water should not boil.

After 15 minutes of cooking let it cool down, and the result of the composition of the need to canvas fabric, but previously this cloth should be wet received the cooking. Collapsed, the fabric must be put in weapons influenced by the place.

It is desirable to stock up on the roots of radish in winter and apply as needed.

Compress for the treatment of osteoarthritis

To prepare a compress need 5% doctor iodine, 10% ammonia, glycerin, doctor, of the gall of the flowers of may honey. All of these components it is necessary to take in equal proportions and mix well.

Then, it must sit for 10 days in a dark place. Before use, the mixture should be shaken and made with the aid of a compress.

This treatment should be carried out each day, not to silence the pain.

Home remedies

For the feeding and regeneration of the cartilage in their tissues is needed the steady income of compounds such as chondroprotectors – glucosamine and chondroitin. It is most useful substance for people who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee.

Your reception must be done over a very long time, six months and more, only in this case can be regarded as a positive effect of treatment.

However, as useful properties, these compounds are not worth considering as the main treatment of osteoarthritis. Deformation of osteoarthritis of the knee requires the use of medications of chondroitin and glucosamine not less than 1.5 years.

Also have in mind that you are not able to restore completely destroyed in the cartilage.

Injections in knee drug-based hyaluronic acid are able to slow down the progression of osteoarthritis, but relief of symptoms only receives half of the people with the same diagnosis.

the cartilage

Osteoarthritis of the knee provides an integrated approach to the treatment, and the recipes of traditional medicine to act as a complementary therapy. Deserve the media attention of such as cooking layers of onion, extract of the leaves of dandelion, aloe vera mixture, the brandy and honey in equal volumes, the packs of the salt with the honey, and many others.

It is also recommended to consume more Brawn and jelly.

Prevention measures

The prevention of osteoarthritis of the knee includes many factors:

  • A balanced diet for: in the diet should be a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and trace elements.
  • The fight with the evil way of life and the elimination of bad habits.
  • Normalization of weight.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Injury prevention during the practice of sport weight lifting.

What is most important for the detection of this pathology is as osteoarthritis of the knee is to not run the disease, as far have passed their stage lead to disability.

But if the time to address all of its forces in the treatment and prevention – until the time is not overlooked and the symptoms are mild – there is the possibility of a complete national liberation of the disease.

It is important to read: arthritis of the knee.

The preventive measures consist in:

  • most important classes of physical education and sport;
  • then large loads in the joints of the knee;
  • weight control and its reduction;
  • immediately, ask your doctor if the joint is swollen or has been injured.